释义 |
- 极客风:一种基于典型的极客元素(如主题T恤和厚框眼镜)的时尚风格。
1 ?奇客时尚 奇客时尚 ( Geek chic ):时装轮廓翻天覆地变化,各种古怪奇异的裤子、手袋,印有各种露骨标语的T恤,以及愈演愈烈的搞怪面料竞赛。 2 ?极客风 如今,“极客风”(geek chic)一词已进入牛津英语大词典(Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED),那么究竟怎么样才算是极客呢? 3 ?奇客风格 回顾2010年,代表“奇客风格”(Geek Chic)的《.. 4 ?宅女风格 ... coop是牢笼的意思,这是一个习语。 geek chic 宅女风格 hit on sb. 与某人调情 ...
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In the era of "geek chic", scratchy-voice actors are today's big thing and if Nerds had never been made, it could very likely happen today. 在这个“极客时尚”的年代,嗓音沙哑的演员就是当今宠儿,如果《菜鸟大反攻》从未拍过,那它很有可能发生在今天。 - 2
It's no wonder that geeks now have their own consumer category - geek chic - with merchants gearing products toward them and advertisers courting them. 难怪现在极客们有了他们自己的消费者类别——极客时尚——商人为他们提供商品,广告主讨好他们。 - 3
While SOAP is lots of fun to play with and very chic among all your geek friends, the fact is, if it doesn't offer you a way to solve your problems, it's probably going to waste a lot of time. 摆弄soap有许多乐趣,并且在您那些标新立异的朋友当中显得非常与众不同,事实是,如果它不能为您提供一种解决问题的方法,那么它可能会浪费大量时间。