释义 |
1 ?肾之府 公布 中文名称:肾之府 英文名称:house of kidney 定义:肾位于腰部,腰部有肾的腧穴,腰被称为“肾之府”。 应用学科: 中医药学(一级学科); 中医基础理论(二级学科);形体官窍(二级学科) 肾之府 ,
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The empty house, in a middle-class corner of southern California, is two storeys high and boasts a three-car garage. Roses bloom around a kidney-shaped swimming pool, which is green with algae. 在南加州一个中产阶级聚居区,坐落着这样一套双层空置住宅,它带有一个可以停放三辆车的巨大车库,院中有个半环形的游泳池,池边开满了玫瑰,然而池水中却长满了青苔。 - 2
With a twinge of regret that had nothing to do with food, Harry imagined the house-elf busying himself over the steak-and-kidney pie that Harry, Ron, and Hermione would never eat. 想到那家养小精灵忙着做哈利、罗恩和赫敏再也吃不到的牛排腰子馅饼,哈利心中一阵难过,但不是为了食物。 - 3
White House officials say more than 120,000 people in the United States are on a donor waiting list, with the vast majority of those needing a kidney. 白宫官员说,目前美国有超过12万人在等候器官捐献,其中大部分人需要肾脏。