释义 |
1 ?壁虎 ... [ Children's Palace ] 某些国家少年儿童在校外进行集体活动的场所 [ house lizard ] 壁虎 [ the crystal palace of the Dragon king ] 传说中的水下宫殿,为龙王所居住 ... 2 ?守宫 ... house fly 家蝇; 家蝇; 虻 house lizard 守宫; 壁虎; 守宫 house mouse 小家鼠 ... 3 ?爬行动物 [gecko;house lizard] 爬行动物,身体扁平,四肢短,趾上有吸盘,能在壁上爬行。吃蚊、蝇、蛾等小昆虫,对人类有益。 4 ?身体扁平 [gecko;house lizard] 爬行动物,身体扁平,四肢短,趾上有吸盘,能在壁上爬行。吃蚊、蝇、蛾等小昆虫,对人类有益。
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Want to seize the youth of the tail, but it is only house lizard. - 2
Like a house lizard escaping instinct, danger, will not easily entangled, tail run away immediately. 就好像壁虎的逃生本能,遇到危险时,绝不会费力纠缠,马上断尾逃走。 - 3
House lizard mostly activity in nighttime, but also have the Lord with the house lizard of the activity of the daytime.