...ee 非美活动调查委员会 ; 美活动委员会 ; 考察委员会 ; 众议院非美 House Committee on Un-American Activities非美调查委员会 ; 非美活动调察委员会 Committee for Un-American Activities 非美活动委员会 ..
That distinction belongs to Martin Dies, a congressman from East Texas who invented the HouseCommitteeon Un-American Activities in 1938.
ECONOMIST: McCarthyism
Mr Seldes's book is a masterpiece of concision, romping through background accounts of the machinations of the HouseCommitteeon Un-American Activities and the collapse of post-war efforts to revive the liberal political philosophies of the New Deal generation.
ECONOMIST: Leonard Bernstein
Instead it focuses on Kazan as a theatre and film director, starting from the reasonable premise that this important career was obscured by the opprobrium cast upon Kazan after he testified before the HouseCommitteeon Un-American Activities in 1952.