释义 |
1 ?操作时间 ... hours on stream ==> 连续工作时数 hours to stream ==> 操作时间 house ==> 屋,宫,安放,室,收藏,舍 ...
- 1
He no longer had to eat every couple of hours; the excess growth hormone caused an overproduction of insulin, which sent his blood sugar plunging when he wasn't maintaining a constant stream of food. 他再也不用每几个小时就吃一次饭;过量的生长激素产生了大量的胰岛素,当血流量不恒定时,就造成患者血糖升高。 - 2
If the original Facebook was the first five minutes [of a conversation] and the stream was the next 15, what I want to show you today is the rest--the next few hours of a deep engaging conversation. 如果最初的Facebook只是(一段对话)的开头5分钟,那么我今天所展的则是这段对话余下的部分,也就是长达几个小时的深入、精彩的交流;而下一步的流媒体功能(stream)则可以将呈现的对话时长延长到15小时。 - 3
After three hours' cycling, we arrived at the outskirts of Hefei and came to a stream. 经过三个小时的自行车,我们来到郊外的合肥,来到了一条小溪。