释义 |
时尚的房子 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?摆臀浩室 ha cha舞曲也是DJ们的救命歌(也褪钦f只要一放出cha cha大家就会向舞池集中, 各个跳的很快乐) (15)Hip House(摆臀浩室) 从字上大家就可看出Hip Hop加House的意思,黑人饶舌歌加上浩室舞曲的节奏,可算是一种蛮新的曲风, 最佳代表作就是 Run D.M.C的..
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Then I lucked into house sitting for a family friend in Paris, France for three months, which gave me the opportunity to write hip restaurant reviews and sip coffee casually for four hours a day. 后来我为我家的一个世交看房子,在法国巴黎住了三个月,在这期间我写了一些餐馆评论,而且每天都有四个小时在悠闲的品尝咖啡。 - 2
But her hip-and-thigh relationship with her husband underlines her two biggest weaknesses-her scandal-ridden past in the White House remember Marc Rich? 但是她和她的丈夫密不可分的关系也是她的两个最大弱点的基础- - -她在白宫充满丑闻的过去还记得Marc Rich吗? - 3
Useful House Type, specially matches the office workers, 3 rooms, the most suitable for the couple. 2 WC, Protecting a privacy, In Phoenix City Fung Hip Court, the main 3-room-House-Type Court. 实用户型,专门搭配上班族,3房,最适合新婚夫妇。2卫,最保障各自私隐。在凤馨苑这个主攻实用3房户型的苑区。最常见的是有一个卫生间的。