释义 |
1 ?消磨时间 ... Drinking Too Much at Office Functions工作应酬中饮酒过量 Goofing Off 消磨时间 Dressing Inappropriately 穿着不当 ... 2 ?克里斯蒂安娜 ... Greg (格雷格) goofing off (克里斯蒂安娜) great sandy desert (克洛伊) ... 3 ?闲荡 ... conductor处置人,指挥,动作,指示,指挥 goofing off闲荡,混日子 mechanical板滞,板滞的 ...
- 1
I went off to the stack and found some really good material for my part, but when I got back to our table, they were just goofing off and talking. 于是我动身走去那堆书那里,并找到了很多对我这部分来说很有用的材料。但是当我回到我们的桌子旁时,他们只是在那儿聊天、消磨时间。 - 2
browser to use for web research, opening links, and general goofing off. 上是一些更笨的东西。 给一个适当的评价,很明显Opera是网络研究、乱开链接和游手好闲的超棒浏览器。 - 3
Now, I believe that there should be a time for goofing off, being lazy, and having fun. 我同意在某些时候,人们应当悠游度日,享受慵懒的时光。