释义 |
1 ?应该 ... 我应该 i should; i'm supposed to 应该, 必须 had need 应该, 将要 should ...
- 1
I also haven't had need of a highlighter, hole punch, or rubber bands (all things I used to own). 而且我也不再需要记号笔,打孔机,或者橡皮筋这些我以为一辈子都离不开的东西了。 - 2
Poor Lydia's situation must, at best, be bad enough; but that it was no worse, she had need to be thankful. 可怜的丽迪雅,她的处境再好也好不到哪里去,可是总算没有糟到不可收拾的地步,因此她还要谢天谢地。 - 3
To help the process along, his followers were sent sachets of healing water to anoint their wallets, as well as any part of their body where they had need. 为了帮助治疗过程,他的追随者会受到一包包的治疗水,涂在他们的钱包上,以及身上任何需要的地方。