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不太想 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?不很想 Chinese - English Free Di... ... 存在了 = existed 存在的个体性 = haecceities 存在的个体性 = haecceity ...
- 1
She drank a little milk as temporary refreshment - to the surprise - indeed, slight contempt - of Dairyman Crick, to whose mind it had apparently never occurred that milk was good as a beverage. 她喝了一点儿牛奶,当作临时的点心——牛奶场的老板克里克大吃一惊,说实在的,还有点儿瞧不起——显然他从来没有想到牛奶还是一种上好的饮料。 - 2
In typical fashion, he offered more money than anyone in his right mind would have done, ensuring that the Bancroft-family members who controlled the company had little choice but to turn it over. 真是典型的时髦做法,他开出了任何正常人脑袋都不会给的天价,来确保控制方班克罗夫特家族(Bancroft - family)不得不投降。 - 3
Finish up the sentence with, "I had something a little higher in mind" or "I was expecting something within the 5 to 7,000 range." 你可以说这些句子:i had something a little higher in mind或i was expecting something within the 5 to 7,000 range。