释义 |
- 思维习惯:个人长期形成的思考方式和思维模式,对个人的行为和决策产生影响。
1 ?或称思维习惯 制度是广泛 流传的社会习俗或者思想习惯,或称思维习惯(habit of thought)。?思维习 惯?是习惯化的预存倾向和思想模式,它组成了各种文化的前提、背景和基础, 认识和解释也由此形成。
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Resistance to change is an archaic, and nowadays dangerous, habit of thought. 抵制变化是不现实的,是今天一种招致危险的思考习惯。 - 2
"It's really a habit of thought, if you will," he says when I ask what inspires him to blog. “只要你愿意,思考事实上是一种习惯。”当问及是什么东西启发他办博客时,他如是说。 - 3
Habit, routine, is the enemy of diligence - the habit of thought, of action, of conduct. 习惯,例行公事,也就是思想、活动和行为的习惯,是勤奋的敌人。