释义 |
1 ?生境群 ... habitat form 释义:生境型 habitat group 释义:生境群,生境类群 Habitat secretariat 释义:生境会议秘书处 ... 2 [植]?生境类群 生境类群(habitat group), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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A second group lived in conditions akin to their natural habitat, with 16 hours of overcast day-like light, followed by eight hours of darkness. 第二组生活在与其自然栖息地类似的环境中,16小时白天似的光亮,然后8小时的黑暗。 - 2
The evil bird smugglers of the original movie are replaced by threats to the rainforest habitat, as a group of illegal loggers encroaches on the macaws' home in the jungle. 在第二部中,鹦鹉们的劲敌不再是邪恶的鸟贩子,而是由一群破坏金刚鹦鹉家园——热带雨林的非法伐木工。 - 3
The pallid sturgeon, one of a group of fish that has endured since dinosaur times, has now lost much of its habitat along the Missouri River. 白鲟鱼,一种自恐龙时代就存在的鱼类,现在已经失去了它们在密苏里河沿岸的大部分栖息地了。