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1 ?聚居 3.3.5 聚居(Habitat-based)模型 39 3.3.6 其他学者的研究 39-42
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Habitat-based urban planning process can be divided into three periods: habitat planning, socio-economic planning, and planning evaluation and adjustment. 基于生境的城市规划过程可以分为三个阶段:生境规划阶段、经济社会规划阶段和规划评价与调整阶段。 - 2
An analysis based on the relationship between the species, though, shows that evolutionary lines can swap from spots to no spots, and vice versa, as the habitat dictates. 基于物种关系的一个分析表明,进化路线有时是从有斑点到无斑点,有时又反过来,这取决于栖息地在哪里。 - 3
But Antony Wood, head of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, an industry association based in Chicago, says technological limitations no longer rule out such towers. 但是Antony Wood,高层建筑理事会,一个芝加哥工业协会的主管,说科技的局限性不再把这样的高楼排除在外。