释义 |
1 ?卫生服务区 ...权声明 | 客户服务 | 万方数据临床医学(Clinical Medicine),专业业务(Professional P ractice),卫生服务区(Health Service Area),评论[文献类型](Comment[Publication Typel),屠规益,韩德民,王琪,..
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Local health authorities or service agencies may have a needs assessment or more focused studies of your area. 当地卫生部门或者是服务机构可能对你所在的地区已经有必须的帮助或者更集中的研究。 - 2
Traditional medicine area: medical therapy, service institutes, Famous specialists, Health inspection, Health administration institute. 传统医药领域医疗、服务机构、知名专家,健康检测、健康管理机构。 - 3
Aim: to study the mental health of the elder with chronic diseases in Zhengzhou urban area and its related factors, and provide the evidence of implementing health service for the elder in community. 目的了解城市老年常见慢性病患者心理健康状况与相关因素的关系,为开展社区卫生保健服务、降低老年常见慢性病的发生提供依据。