... decomposition preserving 分解保持 health preserving养生的 length-preserving 等距的 ...
...中国经济史研究 Researches in Chinese Economic History] 治气养心修身自强--略论荀子的养生思想 [养生月刊 Health Preserving] 究天人之际--司马迁历史哲学思想引论 [北京印刷学院学报 Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication] ..
The former belongs to the category of preventive healthpreserving medicine, while the latter the clinical therapeutic medicine.
HuangDiNeiJing put out the people's life span can be prolonged, mainly related to whether can follow the rule of healthpreserving.
The healthpreserving by TCM was not only consider prevention and protection but also, more importantly, the maintenance, conserve and cultivation for the body.