释义 |
Health Insurance,Catastrophic 医疗保险,灾难性的 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1.
"Most city workers do have health insurance, but unfortunately a catastrophic illness such as cancer or anything like that, you know, not everything is covered, " he explained. CNN: 9/11 responders wait for compensation for their illnesses - 2.
The women I see, about three-quarter, rely on state programs, or pay out of pocket, and a quarter have health insurance in varying degrees, mostly catastrophic. WHITEHOUSE: Backyard Discussion on Women and the Economy - 3.
Note that this analysis does not even deal with the fact that, without the recent health care reform legislation, catastrophic insurance would remain unavailable to those with pre-existing conditions. FORBES: Would Free Market Medicine Really Work in America?