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治疗焦点 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?病灶愈合 ... hard focus lens 硬调透镜 healing of focus 病灶愈合 hemopoietic focus 造血灶 ...
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Officially called Kumara Serpent Healing, it’s an offshoot of Kundalini Yoga — a branch of the form which mixes adopting physical positions with a focus on breathing, meditating and chanting. 蛇瑜伽的官方说法是库马拉蛇治疗,它是昆达利尼瑜伽的一个分支,它的形式是将采用物理位置和在呼吸、沉思以及交谈中的专注度结合来达到的。 - 2
Officially called Kumara Serpent Healing, it's an offshoot of Kundalini Yoga - a branch of the form which mixes adopting physical positions with a focus on breathing, meditating and chanting. 蛇瑜伽的官方说法是库马拉蛇治疗,它是昆达利尼瑜伽的一个分支,它的形式是将采用物理位置和在呼吸、沉思以及交谈中的专注度结合来达到的。 - 3
Officially called Kumara Serpent Healing, it's an offshoot of Kundalini Yoga ― a branch of the form which mixes adopting physical positions with a focus on breathing, meditating and chanting. 蛇瑜伽的官方说法是库马拉蛇治疗,它是昆达利尼瑜伽的一个分支,它的形式是将采用物理位置和在呼吸、沉思以及交谈中的专注度结合来达到的。