释义 |
迎面进近 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?顶头靠泊 ... 顶墙 cap wall ;cope wall 顶头靠泊 head on approach 顶好 aces up ...
- 1
Second, countries and regions can adopt a proactive approach to prepare for these global changes, seize opportunities, and address risks head on. 第二,国家和地区可以采取积极主动的方法迎接这些全球性的变化,抓住机遇,面对挑战。 - 2
On March 29th a federal district court in New York made a ruling that, taken at face value, turns America’s approach to the patent protection of genes on its head. 3月29日,纽约的一个联邦地方法院做出判决。 单从这个判决来看,它颠倒了美国处理基因专利权保护的一贯立场。 - 3
I approach the bed, lower myself beside her, and rest my head on the pillow next to hers.