释义 |
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The green line is the building costs and you can see that building costs, since 1890, in real terms-- everything is corrected for inflation -have gone up a little bit since 1890, but not a whole lot. 绿线表示了建筑成本,你可以看到建筑成本,自1890年来,以实际值计算,所有的数据均进行了通胀修正,从1890年开始有一点点上涨,并非是大幅度上涨 - 2
There's a line in that Beatles song that would perfectly sync up with the moment: "Out of college, money spent, see no future, pay no rent, all the money's gone, nowhere to go." 这首歌。Beatls的歌词中有一句特别适合此情此景:离开了学校,钱花完了,看不见未来,付不起房租,无处容身。 - 3
The traffic has gone from bad to worse and more people line up in the bank to get money for their shopping spree. 交通已每况愈下,更多的人排银行去取钱进行疯狂地购物。