释义 |
1 ?更进一步 伦敦奥运火把转达的口号定为"更进一步(Gone the Extra Mile)"旨在发 盘货当代奥运会的主题口号(slogthe possiblyst) 一部智能手机的分量约为130g而就火炬的身高而言这样的分量已经可能排在奥...
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"My parents have always gone the extra mile for me," he said. "I knew if I asked, she'd say yes..." “我父母一向为我任劳任怨,”他说。“我知道如果我要求,他们会答应……。” - 2
Approach your boss in an 'up' moment, when you've gone the extra mile or saved something, and ask, 'do you use LinkedIn? May I ask you for an endorsement? 在一个好的时机去找你的老板,比如在你比别人多做了一点事情的时候或挽救了什么事情的时候,问他你是否用LinkedIn '我是否可以得到您的签注? - 3
The one equalizer though, is the ability to demonstrate how you have risen above and gone that extra mile to accomplish an important task, complete the job or realize an important goal. 一个能让你和他们达到同一水平的方法是展现自己是怎样脱颖而出、付出更多,圆满完成某项重要任务、完善工作或实现重要目标。