释义 |
- 暗门:指隐藏在墙壁或地板中的门,通常用于秘密通道或隐藏房间。
- 假门:指外观上看起来像门,但实际上并不通向任何地方,只是用于装饰或遮挡。
1 ?假门 Blank Door(假门), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
Leonard's door, however, was as blank as the apartment inside. 然而伦纳德房间的大门是一片空白,就跟房间里的情形一样。 - 2
Super mute series wood door not only fills the blank market, also give usually busy work owner bring a quiet, therefore, this series of the door in high-end market is very popular. 超静音系列木门不但填补了市场空白,也给平时忙碌工作的业主带来一份安静,因此,该系列门在中高端市场很是畅销。 - 3
Through this door one does not find an entrance, but rather another wall, blank , but carved this time, bordered by a white gravel path. 通过这道墙人们并不能找到入口,而是另一堵墙空白但被雕刻的墙体,一条砾石小径将人们引导而入。