其成立旨在消除跨国货币结算风险(Herstatt Risk),即外汇交易的海外对手未能的风险。
(对) ? ? 3.4 外汇交易(上) ? 1 【单选题】 赫斯塔特风险(Herstatt risk)是一种什么风险? A、利率风险 B、汇率风险 C、价格风险 D、清算风险 2 【单选题】 下列哪种情况下,存在直接套汇?
该文从外汇生意业务清算风险(Herstatt risk)的界说出发,在阐发外汇生意业务清算风险孕育发生的原因及过程的根蒂根基上,从银行角度和支付系统角度提出了减少外汇生意业务清算...
It is named Herstatt risk after the German bank that did just that in 1974.
FORBES: The Quietest Big Bank You've Never Heard Of
This ought to mean that each party's principal (often hundreds of millions of dollars) can never be lost and Herstatt risk is no more.
ECONOMIST: Foreign exchange
But if they do that, they run the risk that their swap partner will not deliver which reintroduces a fresh element of (you guessed it) Herstatt risk.