释义 |
气过程 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?煤气制取过程 ... gas-producing plant ==> 煤气工厂 gas-producing process ==> 煤气制取过程 gas-proof ==> 防毒气的,不漏气,不透气 ...
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By adjusting process gas flow, it effectively lowers power and process gas consumption for producing glass coating, furthermore upgrades quality of glass coating. 通过调整工艺气体流量大小,有效地降低了玻璃镀膜生产用电量和工艺气体用量,并且提高了镀膜玻璃产品质量。 - 2
Generally stated, in another aspect, this invention provides an improved process for producing a fuel gas from coal. 在另一方面,该发明改进了自煤中生产燃料煤气的工艺。 - 3
The Gas mixing and pressing process is an important tache in the iron and steel producing. 煤气混合加压过程是钢铁生产的重要环节,混合煤气的质量直接影响钢铁生产的质量和产量。