...法律行话:on the bench(担任 法官职务),clean hands(清白的),hung jury (意见分歧的陪审团),issue of fact (事实上的争论点),is?鄄sue of law(法律上的争论点),pierce the corporate veil (刺破公司面纱), plea bargain(认罪求情协议)等。
...在英美法系中,法律审包括以下几种情况:1、在有陪审团参加审理的刑事和民事案件中,陪审团就诉讼中的事实问题(issue of fact)进行裁断;法官在陪审团认定的事实基础上决定有关法律问题(issue of law),此种意义的法律审和事实审多是表明陪审团和法官各自...
In fact, what matters today is no longer an issueof who defeats who, not even so in economic terms. What really matters today is how we can cooperate.
Conservatives don't want to make an issueof mass murder because then they would be confronted with the fact that the massacres are committed by people using guns.