Please set out all changes in issuedshare capital requiring disclosure pursuant to rule 13.25a together with the relevant dates of issue.
请列出所有须根据《上市规则》第13.25 A条披露的已发行股本变动连同有关的发行日期。
The share placing, which is the equivalent of 4% of Standard Chartered's issuedshare capital, will raise the bank's core tier one ratio - a key measure of strength - from 7.6% to 8.4%.
这场股票配售的份额相当于渣打银行已发行股本的4%,这将提高渣打银行的一项银行实力的关键指标——核心资本充足率(core tier one ratio),从7.6%提升至8.4%。
The risks are spelled out in mind-numbing detail in every Chinese share prospectus issued to Western investors.