释义 |
- 淘金热:对新发现的金矿区的疯狂涌入,追求财富的行动。
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Mario: The first Italians went there, like the Chinese, in the gold-rushes, hoping to find gold and become rich. 最早去澳大利亚的人像中国人一样是为了抢夺金子,希望找到金子变得富有。 - 2
While some struggle to create new lives on the Frontier, others are rewarded with riches on a scale never seen before, as the world rushes in to mine California's gold. 当这个世界陷入加利福尼亚金矿开采热时,一些人正竭力在边境创造新的生活时,另外一些人则在很大程度上拥有了前所未有的财富。 - 3
With the cessation of transportation, the gold rushes of the 1850s and the influx of free settlers, a view of the ‘born colonist’ emerged. 随着旧时流放政策的终结,19世纪50年代淘金热的兴起,以及自由殖民者的大批涌入,有人开始认为澳大利亚人是“天生的殖民者”。