释义 |
- 金钥匙:象征着权力、特权或机密的钥匙,通常是金色的。
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Golden Keys service concept: "The interest of others first, self-interest last: utmost intent, satisfaction and delight; delighted guests find richness of life. "" 金钥匙服务理念:“先利人、后利己;用心极致、满意加惊喜;在客人惊喜中,找到富有人生。” - 2
Yesterday, Liu Yiliang, former Board Chairman of Beijing Golden Keys Real Estate, was sentenced to 8 years for defiance and extortion by the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing. 昨日,北京知名中介公司中大恒基的前董事长刘益良因寻衅滋事罪和敲诈勒索罪被海淀法院判处有期徒刑八年。 - 3
Finally, we drove out of the parking lot, proud owners of a sporty, pre-owned, golden chariot, complete with full gas tank, certificate for emissions check, and promise of an extra set of keys. 最终,我和女儿驶着车开出了停车场,洋洋得意地拥有了一辆时髦的金色二手靓车,油箱加得满满的,尾气排放合格证齐全,外加多发一套车钥匙的承诺。