... 香港电影金像奖(Hong Kong Film Awards) 台湾金马奖(Golden Horse Awards) 艾美奖(Emmy Awards) ...
...e 43-year-old has been nominated(提名) for Best Actor at this year's prestigious(声望很高的) Golden Horse Awards(金马奖) for his role in "Infernal Affairs III". The Golden Horse Awards will be held in Taipei on December 4.
In 2010, four films featuring Zhang hit the cinema and the film “Aftershock” earned her the nomination for Best Supporting Actress of GoldenHorseAwards.
2010年,张静初共有四部电影在影院上映。 电影《唐山大地震》让她获得了金马奖最佳女配角提名。
Film legends, martial arts legends, people who have won Academy Awards, GoldenHorseAwards, Hong Kong Film Awards, and most every other award in the business.