释义 |
1 ?竭力主张 ... go at it hammer and tongs 全力进攻(全力以赴地... go it strong on 竭力主张,热烈拥护,... Go for it 加油, 努力争取, ...
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Whether your problems are related to money, health, family, or anything else, there’s a strong chance that someone out there has it worse than you, yet they go on living. 无论您的问题是与金钱,健康,家庭,还是其他事物有关,世界上很多其他人面对的都比你要糟,但他们也得继续活下去。 - 2
The sudden revelation of time at such moments, conferring upon it a crushing preeminence otherwise nonexistent, is the fruit of a strong contempt for life, an unwillingness to go on. 这时间的启示在一瞬之间突然闪现,这是强烈蔑视生命的结果,不愿继续生存的结果。超越了其他的非存在,具有一种决定性的优势。 - 3
Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. Just set it free. 有些人认为执着让我们强大,其实,有时候是放手。给它自由。