In most cases, there is no reason to test for access to functions that have been part of ANSI/ISO C since the 1989 version of the standard came out, or for availability of the standard C headers.
绝大部分情况下,没有理由去测试是否有权使用自 1989 版本标准出现以后的 ANSI/ISO C 中的函数或者标准的 C 头文件是否可用。
If you specify a standard older than the ISO C99 version, some of the extensions described in this article may be disabled.
如果指定比iso C99版本旧的标准,那么可能无法使用本文描述的一些扩展。
The XML version and encoding also must be set to "1.0" and "ISO-8859-1", respectively.