释义 |
1 ?反向外推 ... extrap. 释义:[=extrapolate]推断,推知,外推 back-extrapolate 释义:反向外推 MECT 释义:[=maximum extrapolated cloting time]外推最大凝结时间 ...
- 1
It then used this to extrapolate back the origins of language to Africa. - 2
When markets are booming, however, commentators tend to look back at the performance of stocks and extrapolate an even rosier future. 但是,当市场一片繁荣之时,评论员们往往会回顾股票的以往业绩,依此外推出一个更加瑰丽的未来。 - 3
If we extrapolate back, we find we must have all been on top of each other about 15 billion years ago. This was the Big Bang, the beginning of the universe. 如果我们反推回去,会发现大约在一百五十亿年前,我们必定全都彼此紧靠在一起,这就是大爆炸,即宇宙的开始。