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homogeneous charge compression ignition 1 ?均质压燃 均质压燃(HCCI, Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition)是一种新白勺燃烧方式,它是预混混合气在压缩过程中温度升高到达自燃温度以后发生白勺燃烧现象,它可以大量... 2 ?均质充量压缩点燃 过去,另一项被称之为均质充量压缩点燃(homogeneous charge compression ignition)的相关技术已经用于改善柴油的性能。它包括在高压下将柴油和空气预混合,然后以蒸汽形式被注入到燃烧室中。 3 ?均质充量压缩燃烧 ...网 oline engine, HCCI, Test rig, Control system 1 前言 均质充量压缩燃烧(HCCI,Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) 作为新一代的内燃机燃烧方 式, 兼有传统汽油机均质混合气与柴油机高燃烧效 率的优点,具有实现高效、..
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The difficulty in Homogeneous Charge Compression ignition (HCCI) combustion is its controllability in ignition. 实现汽油机均质混合气压燃(HCCI)的难点是着火控制。 - 2
Quasi homogeneous charge compression ignition (QHCCI) combustion may be with low emissions, especially for soot and NO_X, according as the most fuel which is pre-mixed is lean burnt. 准均质充量压缩点火燃烧(QHCCI)方式占总燃料多数的预混合燃料以稀薄燃烧完成,故可能有很低的排放,尤其是碳烟和氮氧化物。 - 3
Ignited modes of reciprocating internal combustion engine addition to the spark-ignited and compression engine operation, a third option exists that is Homogeneous Charge compression Ignition (HCCI). 在往复式发动机中,除了火花点燃式燃烧和柴油压燃燃烧的运转方式外还有第3种运转方式,即均质充量压燃燃烧(HCCI)。