释义 |
1 ?希尔空军基地 ...造商伊顿公司(ETN)宣布,已获得了一项价值最高可达5.69亿美元的合同,将为美国空军位于犹他州希尔空军基地(Hill Air Force Base)的空军后勤中心提供电源可靠性及 ..
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Boeing will deliver the replacement wing sets to Hill Air Force Base, Utah, in four parts: three wing sections and an installation kit. 波音将把置换机翼部件交付到犹他州希尔空军基地,部件分为四部分:三个机翼剖面和一个装置零配件。 - 2
Chino always brings in at least one modern military jet to do a display, this year the honors being done by this F-16 Fighting Falcon from Hill air force base, seen here doing a fast afterburner pass. 奇诺总是带来至少在一个现代军事飞机做显示,今年的荣誉正在做的这架F - 16战隼的希尔空军基地,这里看到这样一个快速加力通行证。 - 3
Others on Capitol Hill believe the National Museum of the US Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, near Dayton, Ohio, also has a better claim than New York for a shuttle exhibit. 国会山的其他人认为俄亥俄州代顿(Dayton)附近的美国空军国家博物馆的赖特帕特森空军基地对宇宙飞船展也比纽约有更好的权利。