释义 |
1 ?手挽手向前 ... To retaliate, to be a true macho man 复仇!做真正的男子汉 Goes hand in hand 手挽手向前 So now you wanna fight him 因此你要向他挑战 ...
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Nowadays, stress goes hand in hand with life in a competitive society. - 2
"Exclusivity is starting to be challenged," she says, "I think that goes hand in hand with how luxury itself is being challenged." “专有权开始受到挑战,”她说,“我认为,这与奢侈品本身受到的挑战是密切相关的。” - 3
Hope, for Bloch, has its starting point in fear, in uncertainty, and in crisis: it is a creative force that goes hand in hand with utopian "wishful images". 在布洛赫的理念里,希望起于恐惧、未知和危机:它是一种创造力,同乌托邦式“希望的愿景”相辅相成。