释义 |
- n.戈德温-奥斯汀(英国地质学家、探险家亨利·哈佛沙姆·戈德温-奥斯汀 Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen)
1 ?冰川 穿过冰崩带进入戈德温-奥斯丁冰川(Godwin-Austen)之后,他们又迅速地通过了7321米(24,019英尺)的迦舒布鲁姆V下方摇摇欲坠的悬冰川,并随时要躲开如保龄球般滑下的粉雪,在5882米(...
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Sella pass, near Godwin-Austen glacier, is named after him. 戈德温-奥斯仃冰川附近的萨拉山口就是以他的名字命名的。 - 2
It is a myth that the K2 peak, which was erroneously called Godwin-Austen peak, was discovered by him. 被错误称为戈德温-奥斯仃峰的乔戈里峰是他发现的,这真是荒诞的说法。 - 3
In 1860, Captain Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, of the survey of India, went to the Baltistan area and surveyed the famous Shigar and Saltoro valleys. 1860年,印度测量部门亨利·哈佛沙姆·戈德温-奥斯仃队长到巴拉·提斯坦地区对著名的施迦和萨尔托洛山谷进行勘察。