As the garbagebox arranged in the pit is provided with an auxiliary hopper, the dumping of the garbage is more convenient and the efficiency of the transfer of the garbage is improved;
在置于地坑内的垃圾箱上配设一 辅助料斗,提高了垃圾倾倒的方便性和垃圾中转处理的效率;
The TGC provides the best out-of-box throughput for applications running on a JVM by minimizing costs of the garbage collector.
TGC 通过最小化垃圾收集器的成本来为 JVM 上运行的应用程序提供最好的开箱即用流量。
Lawyers for product manufacturers now fear clients are liable for up to $500 for every tube of mascara or box of garbage bags marked with an expired patent—an error that turns out to be quite common.