释义 |
1 ?裂隙现象 裂隙现象 ( Gap Phenomenon )即是最常见的一种,已引起电生理学者的关注。目前国内对 裂隙现象 的报告尚较少,现将我院在对60例心动过速或过缓的患者进行经食管... 2 ?空隙现象 【摘要】: 正 房室传导的空隙现象(Gap phenomenon)是指在心动周期中某个时相到达的冲动不能通过传导组织下传,而早于这个时相及晚于这个时相到达的冲动却能通过传导组织下传,这一时...
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According to this paper, the regional gap widening is a common phenomenon during the period of various countries 'industrialization in the world, and our country is also included. 文章认为,地区差距扩大是世界各国在工业化过程中出现的共同现象,我国也不例外。 - 2
If so, this terrible phenomenon, generation gap, cannot occur any more. 如果这样的话,这个可怕的现象,代沟,就不会再发生了。 - 3
Gap between urban and rural industrialization process is not only a common phenomenon in the development of China's market is the result of immature, but also related to long-term policy preferences. 城乡差距拉大既是工业化进程中的普遍现象,又是我国市场发育不成熟的结果,还与长期以来的政策偏好有关。