释义 |
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The only known cure was to pump a high viscosity liquid, a special medicine, into his veins. 惟一已知的治疗方法是向静脉里注人一种高黏度的液体,一种特殊的药物。 - 2
High viscosity of the liquid transmission gear pump should be at a lower power consumption, less leakage, larger output under the pressure of the most traffic. 输送高粘度液体的齿轮泵应做到在较低的功耗、较少的泄漏、较大的压力下输出最多的流量。 - 3
The viscosity of the liquid medium reflects the ease of mobility, high viscosity, friction will increase, reducing output power, a waste of energy and have a high temperature. 液体的粘度反映了介质流动的难易程度,粘度过高会增加内摩擦阻力,降低输出功率,浪费能量,并产生过高的系统温度。