...众的耳朵,整场演出如跃动于宇宙之间;成长于非洲的Amazigh Kateb则带领着三重奏,呈现融合了嘻哈雷鬼与北非民乐格纳瓦(Gnawa)的风味曲调,起伏的哼唱浸透了台下,渗入了灵魂,让人痴醉。
摩洛哥的格纳瓦音乐 ; 唱片名
Mid-song, a Gnawa musician lands a backflip within inches of a speeding red scooter.
BBC: Morocco??s best for street life: Marrakesh
"Everything changes here, yet nothing ever changes, " says Gnawa musician Ibrahim el-Ghatouani.
Yet the show does not peak until shadows fall and Gnawa musicians start playing their metal qarqaba (castanets), duff (hand drums) and twanging three-stringed ginbri (bass).