释义 |
1 ?渡边 渡边(GAMBO)L6号螺旋装订笔记本杂色1X1.. 2 ?二次元 Kao(《GAMBO》)/浪川大辅 Daisuke Namikawa ....二次元(《GAMBO》)/二又一成 Issei Futamata ..
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In 641, Songtsan Gambo, the ruler of the Tubo kingdom, asked his people to build it for princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. 641年,吐蕃统治者松赞干布要求他的人民为唐朝文成公主建造这座桥。 - 2
In the 7th century, Songtsan Gambo unified the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, established the Tubo kingdom, and chose Lhasa as the capital city of the kingdom. 公元7世纪,赞布松赞干布统一青藏高原,建立吐蕃王朝,定都逻些,并逐步兴建了大昭寺、小召寺、形成了以大昭寺为中心的旧拉萨城区的雏形。 - 3
According to the historical data, Tibetan traditional sports are very popular 1300 years ago in The Times of King Songzan Gambo. Every important festival, the Tibetans held their traditional gymkhana. 据历史记载,从距今1300多年的松赞干布时期,民族体育运动就广为流传,每逢重要节庆,都要举行传统的民族体育比赛。