释义 |
1 ?弹性橡胶 ... medical gum-elastic catheter 医用橡胶导管 gum elastic 弹性橡胶 gum elastic catheter 橡皮导管 ... 2 ?弹性橡皮 机械工程专业英语词汇翻译 ... 胶,橡胶 gum 弹性橡皮 gum,elastic 胶滞,结胶 gumming ...
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It mainly be suited for these industries:rolling shear, cut grain, package, gum elastic, heath, matter, food, timber, etc. 它主要适用于以下行业:滚剪,切粒,包装,松紧胶,健康,物质,食品,木材等。 - 2
Mainly be suited for these industries:rolling shear, cut grain, package, gum elastic , heath, matter, food, timber, etc. 主要适用于:滚剪、切粒、包装、橡塑、卫生材料、食品、木材等行业。