释义 |
1 ?绝缘哗 ... insulating wax 绝缘蜡 insulation breakdown 绝缘哗 insulation class 绝缘等级 ... 2 ?绝缘破坏 ... 经时绝缘击穿 TDDB 绝缘破坏,绝缘击穿 insulation breakdown 绝缘子击穿 insulatorbreakdown ... 3 ?破坏电压 ... 沸点/Boiling Point(760mmHg℃) 破坏电压/Insulation Breakdown(kv/mm) 体积电阻/Volume Resistively( ...
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ZJC-50KV controlled by computer, through the man-machine dialogue mode, the voltage breakdown insulation, power frequency withstand voltage test. 50 KV采用计算机控制,通过人机对话方式,完成对绝缘介质的工频电压击穿,工频耐压试验。 - 2
Using computer control, man-machine dialogue mode, the completion of the power frequency voltage breakdown of insulation media, power frequency withstand voltage test. 采用计算机控制,过人机对话方式,完成对、绝缘介质的工频电压击穿,工频耐压试验。 - 3
During the long operational time, the film insulation is exposed to the electrical, thermal and mechanical stresses, which will cause insulation degradation and lead to breakdown finally. 绝缘薄膜材料在长期的运行过程中,受到电、热、机械和环境因素的联合作用,其性能将因此逐渐变坏,并最终导致绝缘击穿。