

单词 Hot Neptune
Hot Neptune
  • 简明释义
  • 热海王星(热海王星是太阳系外的行星,质量接近海王星和天王星之和,距母星较近。观测结果显示其数量可能比预期多)
  • 英英释义
  • abstract:
    • 1

      A hot Neptune is an extrasolar planet in an orbit close to its star (normally less than one astronomical unit away),Hot Neptunes: A Key To Giant Planet Formation with a mass similar to that of Uranus or Neptune. Recent observations have revealed a larger potential population of hot Neptunes than previously thought.

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    The first hot Neptune discovered was Gliese 436b some 33.4 light years away in the constellation Leo, which orbits its star a thousand times closer than Neptune orbits our Sun.
    第一个被发现的热海王星是距地球33.4光年位于狮子座的Gliese 436b,它距其恒星的轨道距离要比海王星离太阳的距离近1000倍。
  • 2
    In one simulation, a planet with the mass of Neptune situated in the habitable zone of a star - not too hot, not too cold - was given a moon the size of Earth.




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