部分翻译-转自翻译中国_自然人的自然世界_百度空间 ... 冷压[型]焦工艺 cold briquetting process 热压[型]焦工艺 hot briquetting process 将型焦用料快速加热到其中粘结性煤的塑性温度区间,加压成型煤,再经焦化或后处理制成型焦产品的制备工艺。分“固体载热体热压[型]焦工艺(hot briquetting process with solid thermo-carrier)” ...
义 中文名称: 热压型焦工艺 英文名称: hot briquetting process 定义: 将型焦用料快速加热到其中黏结性煤的塑性温度区间,加压成型煤,再经焦化或后处理制成型焦产品的制备工艺。分“固体载热体热压[型]焦工艺(hot briqu
In this study, the effects of hotbriquettingprocess parameters on cold strength of the CCB, and the mechanism of the CCB high strength are investigated and discussed.
In this study, the effects of hotbriquettingprocess parameters on cold strength of the CCB, and the mechanism of the CCB high strength are investigated and discussed.
The effects of coal from different mines and hotbriquettingprocess parameters on the cold strength of CCB were investigated, as well as the mechanism of acquiring high strength of CCB.