释义 |
1 ?敌冰 Hostile Ice(敌冰), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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In Kimmirut, one of the most hostile environments on Earth, the ice melts noisily. 在吉米如特(Kimmirut)这个地球上环境最恶劣的地区,冰块融化发出隆隆声响。 - 2
The creatures were conceived with hostile extra-terrestial environments in mind, including planets colder than -150C, salty oceans underneath layers of ice and giant gas planets with no solid ground。 一望无际的海洋被层层坚冰覆盖。 还有的星球充满气体、没有陆地。 - 3
A new form of life developed by astrobiology researcher Andrew Ellington, indicates that life could well exist in the hostile environment underneath the surface ice of Europa, a moon of Jupiter. 天体生物学家安得鲁。艾林顿培植出一种新的生命体,这暗示着即使在木星、木卫二冰层底下极为恶劣的环境中也能有生命存在。