... poesia诗 poema诗 gallina母鸡 ...
... 老公鸡 gallo 老母鸡 gallina 西班牙语食物词汇-肉类 肉类 carnes ...
上午的比赛科尔达尼(Coldani)和加利纳(Gallina)位列第三,下午正赛罗尼?凯瑟尔(Ronnie Kessel)取得第三名的成绩。
... 所属州: CA 名字: Gallina 姓: S ...
鸡精 ; 鸡汤
For Beatty and Gallina, their work is about giving all veterans the same level of respect.
CNN: Making life easier for disabled veterans
Beatty and Gallina also want to help those who can't afford to buy their own home, many from the younger generation.
Beatty and Gallina believe that working with community members makes a big difference to veterans, who can often feel isolated and socially withdrawn.