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1 ?银河气尘 ... 银河道 galactic equator 银河爆炸说 galactic explosion theory 银河气尘 galactic gas and dust ...
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The team chose 140 active galactic nuclei, or AGNs, by selecting galaxies that emit a lot of X-rays, which can Pierce the galactic gas and dust that might otherwise block the nuclei from view. 课题小组选择了140个活动星系核,或简称agns,这些星系都放射出大量的X射线,X射线能穿透阻挡观测的气体和尘埃。 - 2
A rare galaxy type, polar ring galaxies have a substantial population of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in rings nearly perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disk. 极环星系是种稀有的星系类型,它们有着几乎和银盘平面垂直,呈环形公转的大量的恒星、气体和星尘。 - 3
The galaxy's disk includes stars, planets, dust, and gas—all of which rotate around the galactic center in a regular manner. 星系的圆盘包含环绕星系中心以一定规律运转的恒星、卫星和气体。