4月28日,维吉尼亚州 格洛斯特县 ( Gloucester County )警方调查连环窃案时,在29岁男子布莱恩?戈尔(Brian Gore)及25岁妻子夏侬(Shannon Gore)的车屋内,发现一名营养不良的女童,她躺...
格劳斯特县(Gloucester County)检察官戴尔顿说,这名母亲提供了她儿子的Facebook账户信息,警方才可以从这些信息中找到那两个孩子。
州长已于本周一前往格洛斯特郡(Gloucester County)查看灾情。
"He and some other boys were going to ambush a kid, " Bernie Weisenfeld, a spokesman for the Gloucester County prosecutor's office, told the AP Friday.
NPR: Police Arrest 2 Teens In Georgia Baby's Killing
Glassey was killed with a steak knife in March 2008 during an attack involving several other teens on a dark street corner in Gloucester County, N.
Gloucester MP, Conservative Richard Graham, worked with the county council on the bid.
BBC: ?2m bid made to rid C&G roundabout of congestion