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洪堡企鹅 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?洪堡企鹅 此外还有海狮(sea lions),更可贵的是还可看到濒危动物洪堡企鹅(Humboldt penguins),洪堡企鹅又称秘鲁企鹅,全世界企鹅只有18 种,各有各的分布区,洪堡企鹅只分布在秘鲁南部沿海. 2 ?汉波德企鹅 然而有专家表示,那5只小企鹅其实是来自南美洲国家智利及秘鲁的汉波德企鹅 (Humboldt penguins)。 [详细]
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NOT long ago, the news was full of reports about two male Humboldt penguins at a zoo in Germany that adopted an egg, hatched it and reared the chick together. 前不久,许多媒体报道了德国动物园两只雄性洪堡企鹅,它们如何共同领养了一枚鸡蛋,然后又共同哺育孵化出小鸡。 - 2
The problem was that the female Humboldt penguins have proven too shy in their advances, the director of the zoo in the northern port city of Bremerhaven said. 这家动物园位于德国北部城市不来梅港,动物园主管海克·许克说,问题是雌性洪堡企鹅向来很害羞,不会主动接近雄性。 - 3
Experiments with captive Humboldt Penguins at Brookfield Zoo proved, for the first time, that the birds use scent to discriminate between close relatives and strangers. 研究人员对美国布鲁克菲尔德动物园圈养的汉波德企鹅进行试验,首次发现企鹅可以嗅出陌生者与亲戚。