释义 |
1 [化工]?高温搪瓷 ... 高温碳素还原制镁法 Hansgirg process; 高温搪瓷 high-temperature enamel; 高温陶瓷 high temperature ceramics; ...
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That is the glaze sauce glaze sauce, is a kind of high-temperature iron enamel coloring agent, such as persimmon glaze or sesame yellow color, hence the name. 酱釉即酱色釉,是一种以铁为着色剂的高温釉,釉色如柿黄色或芝麻酱色,故而得名。 - 2
Porcelain enamel belongs to the inorganic nonmetallic material, it is one kind of compound materials, which was coated on the metal surface and burned under high temperature. 搪瓷材料属于无机非金属材料,它是一种深覆在金属表面的一层或多层玻璃质釉,在高温下烧制而成的金属与无机氧化物牢固结合的复合材料。 - 3
Main gray iron casting, ductile iron casting, enamel, high-temperature paint, stove castings as well as outdoor furniture, painting, spray casting and so on. 主营灰铁铸造、球铁铸件、搪瓷、高温漆、炉具铸件以及户外家具喷漆、喷塑等铸件。