释义 |
1 ?家庭随访 ... Home environment related disease 释义:家庭环境有关疾病 home follow-up 释义:家庭随访 home sick-bed 释义:家庭病床 ...
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Heck, you can even follow me on Twitter and find out whenever a post of mine goes up on my Digital Home column or here on Webware. 你也可以在twitter上关注我,快速的获取我在“数码栏目”的更新或者这个栏目的更新。 - 2
On the Home page, click the Status Report tab, choose an activity in the Actions pane, and follow the onscreen instructions to fill in information and set up the report. 在主页上,单击“状态报告”选项卡,在“操作”窗格中选择一种活动,然后按屏幕指导填写信息并建立报告。 - 3
I drove through a rainstorm, did a demo of my product, drove home, and did the necessary follow-up, all while nursing a stomachache. 我忍者胃痛,开车驶过暴风雨,给我的产品做演示,开车回家,完成必要的跟进。